Sunday, October 30, 2016

Matt's Hymns

( * Matt's favorite hymns are indicated with an asterisk in the list below * )

Any readers are permitted to use or perform these hymns, provided that (1) the hymn's authorship is cited; (2) the text is unaltered (except by the author's permission); and (3) they are not marketed for commercial purposes. For full scores or lead sheets of any hymns, contact Matt Burden via the information at

*Ascension Hymn 
  As I Rise Today
  Behold Our End (St Augustine's Hymn) 
*Cast into the Depths
*Come Follow Me! 
*Eternal Praise
  Everlasting Peace
  Every Knee Will Bow
*Faith, Mighty Faith (Expanded Version)
  Gloria Patri
*Glory Be to God
  God Grant Me the Serenity
  God of Glory, God of Mercy
  Grace Alone (the Five Reformation Solas) 
  Hail to the King of Glory (Palm Sunday)
*Hallelujah, He is Risen! (Easter) 
*Have Mercy on Us  (Prayer Anthem)
*Hosanna to the King of Kings (Palm Sunday) 
  How Long, O Lord? (Psalm 13) 
  Hymn for the Weak and Weary
  I Bind Unto Myself (St Patrick's Breastplate)
*I Give My All to Jesus 
*I Lift My Heart to God Alone
*Incarnation Hymn (Christmas)
  In the Light of Our Lord's Coming (Christmas/Epiphany) 
  It Came Upon the Midnight Clear (adapted & expanded)
  Jesus Christ, Come Soon! 
  Let Freedom's Bells Resound (Christmas)
  Let Us Declare 
  Lift Up Your Hearts!
  Lighthouse of Mercy
*Look Upon the Cross of Jesus (Atonement Theology) 
*Lord, Pour Out Your Spirit (Revival Prayer) 
*Lord, We're Longing for Your Kingdom Come 
  Lord, We See Your Harvest-Field 
  Lord, Your Love
  Love's Simplicity 
*Make Me an Instrument (St Francis Prayer)
  My Highest Act of Worship
  My Shepherd Is Faithful (General Confession)
  Not to Us, Lord (Psalm 115) 
  O God, the Giver of Good Things (Table Grace)
  O God, Who Watches All Our Ways (Patriotic Hymn) 
*O Lord Our God
  O Spirit, Come Like Gentle Rain 
*On the Cross of Calvary 
  Our God Is Lord of All
  Pierced for Our Transgressions (Isaiah 53) 
  Praise, Honor, and Thanksgiving
*Praise the Name of Christ Our Savior (Easter)
*Praise to the God and Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ (Eph. 1) 
  Priesthood Prayer
*Sing to the Lord (Psalm 96) 
  Speak, Lord
*Strong and Courageous
*Thank You, Jesus, for Your Mercy
  The Cross and the Tomb