Friday, May 03, 2019

Hymn of the Week: Let Us Declare

This week's hymn is set to the classic tune of "Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus," and I've written it to encapsulate one of the traditional proclamations of Christian truth: "Let us declare the mystery of our faith: Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again!" The refrain follows this liturgical theme, and the verses focus on the events of Jesus' death, burial, resurrection, ascension, and second coming. Enjoy!

Let Us Declare

Praise him who on the mountain
Of crucifixion died,
Who for our sins has suffered:
Praise Christ the crucified!

     Let us declare the myst'ry
     Of God's triumphant plan:
     Our Lord has died, is risen,
     And he will come again!

Praise him who in death rested
Upon the Sabbath-day,
Who took our curse upon him
As in the grave he lay.


Praise him who rose victorious,
Whom death could not hold down;
Praise Christ, who crushed the serpent
And won the victor's crown!


Praise him who in his glory
Ascended through the sky
And intercedes in heaven:
Praise Christ, who reigns on high!


Praise him who comes returning
One day upon the clouds;
And at the name of Jesus,
All nations will bow down!
