Friday, March 08, 2019

Hymn of the Week: Jesus Christ, Come Soon!

I've written this week's hymn to give voice to the cry of the church amid its waiting and its persecutions, using material from Romans 8 and the whole book of Revelation. It's to the old Stephen Foster folk tune "Hard Times." You can find free public-domain sheet music of the tune here. I've sung it along the lines of Eastmountainsouth's beautiful "Hard Times" rendition.

Jesus Christ, Come Soon!

Praise the Lord in your troubles,
And praise him in your joys,
For he reigns in glory over us.
Through the trial of tribulations,
Through persecution's sword,
Nothing shall remove his love for us!

     So we cry out with saints and with angels:
     Jesus, Savior! We look unto you!
     Come again in your glory;
     Creation groans for you.
     Alleluia! Jesus Christ, come soon!

Though this world is full of sorrow
And wracked with pain and woe,
We will fix our eyes upon the Lord.
Through our wars and devastations,
Through famine and through plague,
We await the promise of his word.


As we labor through the birth-pangs
Toward New Creation's joy,
We will sing with martyrs round your throne:
How long till your justice 
And mercy are revealed?
We, your servants, look to you alone!


Grant us peace in our waiting
And grace within our work
As we yearn for promises fulfilled;
Keep us strong in our trials,
And faithful as we serve:
Help us walk according to your will.


We await in prayerful longing
The healing of this world
On the day our labors here are done:
Every tear you will gather,
The tree of life will bloom,
In the restful joy of Kingdom come!