Praise the Name of Christ Our Savior
Praise the name of Christ our Savior; he has triumphed o'er the grave!
God bestows on us his favor through the Lamb who came to save!
We delight in all his glories, endless God from Virgin's womb!
We with joy proclaim the stories of the cross and empty tomb!
On that cross, for our salvation, Jesus bore the cost of sin,
Taking death, the curse of Eden, so that we might enter in.
Now the tree of crucifixion is for us the tree of life,
And the serpent's insurrection has been crushed beneath his stride!
Jesus is our great Redeemer, Son of God and Son of Man;
Lion, Lamb, and holy leader, firstfruits of God's mighty plan!
He, as Adam, on the sixth day, forged a new humanity,
When he suffered on that Friday, re-creating you and me.
On the seventh day God rested, just as Christ lay in the grave.
And his body, where they left it, kept the holy Sabbath-day.
Then the eighth day, and the dawning of a great new work of God:
New Creation breaks upon us through our glorious, risen Lord!
Oh, the pow'r of his salvation, which transforms humanity!
For his holy resurrection also raises you and me!
God's own power, which raised Jesus, now is working here in us!
Granting freedom from the darkness, and new life to those who trust!
Hallelujah! Praise the Savior! He has triumphed over death!
We delight in God our Maker, who has endless pow'r to bless!
Just as Christ rose from the darkness, so one day we too shall rise:
Made like him, in holy gladness, we shall meet him in the skies!