Friday, April 17, 2020

Hymn of the Week: Thank You, Jesus, for Your Mercy

In taking Holy Week off from blogging, I wasn't able to write any new hymns relating to the events of Good Friday or Easter Sunday. So here's a belated hymn of the cross, expressing gratitude to Christ for what he did there. It's written to the familiar tune of "Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus."

Thank You, Jesus, for Your Mercy

When I look upon the mountain
Of my Lord's surpassing grace,
Where he gave his life up for me,
I am filled with grateful praise:

     Thank you, Jesus, for your mercy,
     Which you gave at such a cost;
     Thank you for your love and favor,
     Freely granted at the cross.

In the cross are all my glories,
Where my pardon Jesus bought,
Where his grace met my transgressions,
And my own salvation wrought.


All my life I give to Jesus,
All my days to him consign;
For he lavished me with mercy
And made life eternal mine!
