(This is a series of notes that I assembled into a handbook for myself during my last year of seminary, in preparation for stepping into church leadership. I've found them helpful to keep in mind during church conflict situations, so I provide them here in the hope that they might prove similarly helpful to others.)
Part 2: Pre-emptive Strategies Before Conflict Starts
Build an Atmosphere of Cooperation and Reconciliation:
· Publicly praise the congregation’s strengths
· Trust only a very few people with your private criticisms and concerns
· Don’t always be quick to step into other people’s problems
· Build a ministering laity (who feel that the ministry is theirs, and not just the pastor’s), not just a busy laity
· Be clear about the authority structure of the church, and base it on biblical principles
· Start with the log in your own eye—examine your own motives and consider first and foremost your own sins and failings
· Overlook minor offenses
· Do your best to align your attitude with the biblical ideal from Phil. 4:2-9:
o Rejoicing in the Lord always
o Your gentleness evident to all
o Replace anxiety with prayer
o See things as they really are
· Don’t cling too tight to your own individual “rights”—clinging to rights causes offense when those rights are trampled, but the Bible focuses more on individual responsibilities than on rights
· Be proactive and public about confession when you fail
o Address everyone involved, everyone who may have been hurt
o Avoid “if,” “but,” and “maybe”—don’t be afraid to be clear about your own culpability
o Admit your failings with specificity—don’t try to soften it by dancing around the issue
o Acknowledge the hurt that was caused, to show that you understand the feelings of the people you’re addressing
o Accept the consequences
o Alter your behavior
o Ask for forgiveness, and allow time for those you address to process it
· Practice returning good in place of evil, of extending grace to those who wish to tear you down
· Seek out godly advisors and listen to them
· Thank the critics for their candor & concern
· Consider the source (to what degree the critic is trustworthy and knowledgeable about the life of the church)
· Consider the spirit in which the criticism is given (if in honest helpfulness, don’t just brush it aside)
· Consider hot anger from the critic a sign of possible unspoken, underlying issues
· Don’t immediately try to pacify the critic—silence and listening can be the best defense
· Consider the criticism calmly
· Consider it prayerfully
· Consider it in conversation with a few trusted friends and advisors (if there is a tendency for a criticism to weigh heavily on you until it has been processed out loud, then seek to do this step sooner rather than later)
· If the fault lies on the side of your critics, keep in mind a vision of what they can become rather than what they now are
· Pray for your critics
· Be gentle but firm in your responses
· Sometimes it’s best not to react immediately—give it time
· Keep perspective on the big things—the work of the ministry, the Kingdom of God, and so on
· Inaction on a longstanding problem—impatience and resentment might build up
· A major change is impending—any major change in church life or policy will usually produce some friction
· Someone is experiencing personal problems—oftentimes these spill over into relationships with others
· Consider “problem people” as possible clues to unspoken rules in the congregation that you may be unknowingly breaking (this is especially important as a new pastor)
· Publicly praise the congregation’s strengths
· Trust only a very few people with your private criticisms and concerns
· Don’t always be quick to step into other people’s problems
· Build a ministering laity (who feel that the ministry is theirs, and not just the pastor’s), not just a busy laity
· Be clear about the authority structure of the church, and base it on biblical principles
Model a Life of Humility and Putting Others First
· Start with the log in your own eye—examine your own motives and consider first and foremost your own sins and failings
· Overlook minor offenses
· Do your best to align your attitude with the biblical ideal from Phil. 4:2-9:
o Rejoicing in the Lord always
o Your gentleness evident to all
o Replace anxiety with prayer
o See things as they really are
· Don’t cling too tight to your own individual “rights”—clinging to rights causes offense when those rights are trampled, but the Bible focuses more on individual responsibilities than on rights
· Be proactive and public about confession when you fail
o Address everyone involved, everyone who may have been hurt
o Avoid “if,” “but,” and “maybe”—don’t be afraid to be clear about your own culpability
o Admit your failings with specificity—don’t try to soften it by dancing around the issue
o Acknowledge the hurt that was caused, to show that you understand the feelings of the people you’re addressing
o Accept the consequences
o Alter your behavior
o Ask for forgiveness, and allow time for those you address to process it
· Practice returning good in place of evil, of extending grace to those who wish to tear you down
· Seek out godly advisors and listen to them
Deal Well with Criticisms:
· Thank the critics for their candor & concern
· Consider the source (to what degree the critic is trustworthy and knowledgeable about the life of the church)
· Consider the spirit in which the criticism is given (if in honest helpfulness, don’t just brush it aside)
· Consider hot anger from the critic a sign of possible unspoken, underlying issues
· Don’t immediately try to pacify the critic—silence and listening can be the best defense
· Consider the criticism calmly
· Consider it prayerfully
· Consider it in conversation with a few trusted friends and advisors (if there is a tendency for a criticism to weigh heavily on you until it has been processed out loud, then seek to do this step sooner rather than later)
· If the fault lies on the side of your critics, keep in mind a vision of what they can become rather than what they now are
· Pray for your critics
· Be gentle but firm in your responses
· Sometimes it’s best not to react immediately—give it time
· Keep perspective on the big things—the work of the ministry, the Kingdom of God, and so on
Be Alert for Warning Signs of Possible Conflict Brewing:
· Inaction on a longstanding problem—impatience and resentment might build up
· A major change is impending—any major change in church life or policy will usually produce some friction
· Someone is experiencing personal problems—oftentimes these spill over into relationships with others
· Consider “problem people” as possible clues to unspoken rules in the congregation that you may be unknowingly breaking (this is especially important as a new pastor)