Friday, September 25, 2020

Beyond the Rivers: A Memoir of My African Journeys


“From beyond the rivers of Cush, my worshipers, my scattered people, will bring me offerings.” – Zeph. 3:10

I'm going to start writing a memoir of my sojourn in Africa (2004-2006), and I thought I'd serialize it here in the Friday spot on my blog. I can't promise that I'll have a new installment every week; my doctoral research, on top of regular family and church busyness, will probably force me to continue posting less time-intensive pieces here and there. But at least once or twice a month, I'll feature the most interesting stories from my six months in Sudan and Tanzania (2004) and my six months in Angola and Namibia (2005-06).

Those journeys are now a decade and a half behind me, undertaken in my early twenties, and yet they continue to have a formative influence on my life and thought. I've often wanted to write down the stories of those days, piecing together my journals and letters into a narrative, but haven't gotten around to it until now. But with the recent regime change there, I think it is finally safe to write publicly the story of my life in Khartoum. (Nevertheless, I have still changed most of the proper names to protect the identities of those involved.)

This page will serve as the table of contents for the memoir as it takes shape, with each new post given a link in the space below.

Sudan Stories:

Most Likely to Become a Martyr

It's All Who You Know

Perhaps You Would Like a Sudanese Wife?

A Top-Secret Dictionary Project

Like a Thief in the Night