Friday, August 09, 2024

This Week in Oxford, Part 2

Most of the week was spent at the patristics conference in Oxford. I presented my paper on Thursday--"The Advantage of Rusticity: Patrick's Dissent from Patristic Interpretations of Great Commission Texts (Confessio 40)"--and it seemed to be well-received. Here are a few more pictures from around the city. Next, it's off for a few days to see a site associated with one of my favorite medieval writers, Julian of Norwich.

The Radcliffe Camera (part of the Bodleian Library),
an iconic Oxford landmark 

The Examination Schools, where most of the
conference's sessions were held 

Paying my respects to C. S. Lewis at his grave
in Headington Quarry, just outside Oxford

The conference's opening session 
in Christ Church Cathedral

Christ Church College and Cathedral
(where John & Charles Wesley studied and were ordained)