Saturday, August 17, 2024

A London Day before Heading Home

The final part of my trip was a little stopover in the London area before my flight home to Maine (where I'm now trying to recover from jet lag). As with much of the trip, I wanted to take the opportunity to see a few important church history sites, so I spent the day checking off a few more cathedrals (St Albans, Southwark, and St Paul's) and zipping around the Tube to see churches and memorials associated with some of my post-Reformation heroes.

Stayed at the Highbury Centre, the same place my friends and I had stayed
during a college semester in London some 20+ years ago

At the Isaac Watts memorial in Abney Park

John Wesley's memorial and historic chapel

John Bunyan's memorial in Bunhill Fields

St. Mary Woolnoth, John Newton's church

The old pub on Fleet Street that G. K. Chesterton frequented

Southwark Cathedral, where Shakespeare was a parishioner

The Lancelot Andrewes memorial in Southwark Cathedral

Metropolitan Tabernacle, Charles Spurgeon's old church

Holy Trinity Church in Clapham, the church that William Wilberforce
and his friends attended in London

The altar in St. Paul's Cathedral, where (in a previous edifice)
John Donne had served as rector