Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Virtue Made Whole

Here's another of my old poems, written while doing missions service in Angola:

Virtue Made Whole

One moment can change your life,
One step that begins the journey.
Seek the Lord and wait for Him,
But let your waiting be not still,
Lest He pass you by again.
Await Him in the moment,
      The action,
The breathtaking power of virtue made whole.
I sought the Lord in earnest hope,
Yearning to be remade,
Never understanding that I would have to move
      So He could move through me.
I asked that I might love like Him,
To burn with passion and outreaching zeal,
And this the Lord has answered me:
To begin with the love I have,
Though pitiful and small,
For only in loving can love be made whole.
I asked that I might have joy like His,
The dancing delight of the Ancient of Days,
And this the Lord has answered me:
To begin with the joy I have,
Though weary and oft-distracted,
For only in rejoicing can joy be made whole.
I asked that I might have confidence in Him,
Enough to move mountains with my faith,
And this the Lord has answered me:
To begin with the faith I have,
Though weak and often shattered,
For only in believing can faith be made whole.
To wait for the Lord is to run after Him,
            And in utter confidence,
For He is near to those who seek Him.
Take this moment, my friend,
And step out in the direction of your prayers,
And the Lord will meet you on the tossing wave
And make you the instrument of answered prayer.