Section 30:13-15 (corresponding to Luke 14:18-20; Matt. 22:5)
But those who receive the word, do they come?
No, they make up excuses, every one.
Caught up in themselves and their busy lives,
They reject the King for their own enterprise.
'Tell the King,' says one, 'I've just bought a field;
I must go see it--my schedule won't yield!
Send my regrets to the King and his son,
But as for myself, I just cannot come.'
Another one says, 'It's livestock for me--
I just bought oxen, five yoke, don't you see?
I have to go now and examine the lot.
Have I time to go to a feast? I do not.'
Still another one says, 'I too cannot come
To the King's son's feast, for I just had one!
Yes, I'm married now, have a wife, you see,
And all of that means that I'm just not free.'