Thursday, April 10, 2008

From Grace unto Grace

From grace unto grace I trust Thee,

Though I know not where it leads.

You have heard my song,

Which no one else may hear,

The sacred sound of all I am.

Keep Thou well its secret,

O Faithful Fount of all my grace.

Shine on me, that I may shine,

Or if unshining,

Let me rest in Thee.

Still these broken qualms

And make them tremors of Thy love—

Thy love, and mine.

Lord, I am so full,

But the channel is so narrow.

Widen it, O Endless and Sublime,

And awaken Thou my love

For all that stir Your heart.

Let them hear whispers of Your smile

In all my hidden ways.

You who are my peace,

Make of me Your peace for them,

Until all Thy fullness

And all my fullness

Is all and ever full for them.