Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Cathedral Photos from England

February has been a month of tending to all the tasks I had pushed off while working on my book project, so it's been busier than expected. I'm aiming to get back into a rhythm of regular posting for essays and poetry next week. In the meantime, here are a few more pictures from my pilgrimage in England last year, many of which I haven't yet shared. For those who are lovers of church interiors, like I am, this is a wonderful feast of beauty. (If you want to enlarge a picture to see it closer up, just click on it. Feel free to also download any of these for your own use if you like.)

Rochester Cathedral

Magdalen College Chapel

Lichfield Cathedral

Lichfield Cathedral

Lichfield Cathedral

Lichfield Cathedral

Christ Church Cathedral

Keble College Chapel

Keble College Chapel

The Oratory (Catholic Church in Oxford)

Westminster Cathedral (Roman Catholic)

Norwich Cathedral

Norwich Cathedral

St Edmundsbury Cathedral

St Edmundsbury Cathedral

Ely Cathedral

Ely Cathedral

Ely Cathedral

St Albans Cathedral

Dormition Cathedral (Russian Orthodox)

Southwark Cathedral

Southwark Cathedral

St Paul's Cathedral

St Paul's Cathedral

St Paul's Cathedral