Thursday, July 27, 2023

Church History: Monasticism & the West (4th-6th centuries)

Lecture Notes Outline

Monasticism & the Desert Fathers

Early developments in Egypt, Syria, and Palestine, leading to four models:
   1. Antony and eremitic monasticism (solo hermits)
   2. Pachomius and cenobitic monasticism (communal monasteries)
            - The dominant model in the West, following Benedict (6th century)
   3. Chariton and the laura/lavra (blended solo/communal)
   4. Wandering monks (prevalent in Persian & Celtic Christianity)

The Rise of Western Christendom
Western theology – Augustine of Hippo
          - Atonement theology focusing on sin’s legal effects
          - Individual and experiential spirituality
          - Emphasis on God’s sovereignty over against human free will
Western language – Jerome and the rise of Latin
Western church – development of papal supremacy