Friday, October 11, 2019

Hymn of the Week: Trust in God

This hymn is a fairly simple composition around the theme of trusting God. The first verse is a general introduction to the theme; the second reflects on Psalm 23; the third uses the Gospel images of Jesus calming the storm and walking on the water; and the final verse celebrates Jesus' victory in his death and resurrection. The tune is that of the old French Christmas carol "Bring a Torch."

Trust in God

Trust in God when trouble surrounds you;
Trust His name when trials have come.
He will never forsake us or leave us;
He has been faithful through the ages:
Our God, ever our mighty fortress,
Our God, ever our gracious King.

Follow Him through grief and through sorrow;
Follow Him through the shadowy vale.
On the right path He faithfully guides you;
Goodness and mercy, always with you:
Our God, ever our patient Shepherd,
Our God, ever our resting-place.

Though the storms of this life rage around you,
Though tempests roar and your heart be afraid,
He has given us hope in the darkness;
We have an anchor for our souls:
Our God, walking amid the tempest,
Our God, calming the wind and waves.

Hallelujah, He is our Savior!
Hallelujah, He is our King!
Though we walk in a sin-tainted world,
Jesus has beaten death and darkness:
Our God, risen and mighty Conqueror,
Our God, Lord over everything!