Friday, July 05, 2019

Hymn of the Week: O God, Who Watches All Our Ways (Patriotic Hymn)

Old North Church, Boston, made famous by "Paul Revere's Ride"
Since this is the week of Independence Day (and, for my cross-border neighbors, Canada Day), I chose to write a patriotic hymn. It seeks to give words to all the ways that Scripture tells us to uplift our homeland: verse 1 expresses gratitude for our nation; verse 2 offers prayers for leaders and other servants of our society; verse 3 is a plea for national revival and healthy churches; verse 4 is an intercession for other countries in the brotherhood of nations; and verse 5 expresses the longing for "our true homeland," the Kingdom of God. I set the lyrics to the tune of the old patriotic/naval hymn "Eternal Father, Strong to Save," but it could potentially be sung to any tune with an meter.

O God, Who Watches All Our Ways

O God, who watches all our ways,
Our nation lifts its grateful praise.
For this our home, where safe we live,
Unending gratitude we give.
Lord, be the guard of its true peace,
Thou author of its liberties!

In humble thanks we intercede
For those who serve and those who lead:
Grant wisdom to authorities,
That they might guide us righteously.
Protect those who serve faithfully
To build and bless society.

Revive us, Lord, and grant your church
Pow'r to proclaim your holy Word;
Breathe life into our hearts of stone,
That they may beat for you alone.
Lord, flood this nation with your grace
Till we return unceasing praise.

Lord, we give thanks upon this day
For all the nations you have made.
For both our friends and enemies,
In Christian love we intercede.
And may you draw all nations to
The blessedness of knowing you.

Oh, let your holy Kingdom come,
Here and abroad, your will be done!
As trav'lers in this pilgrim land,
We long to see our true homeland;

Until that day, let this place be
A mirror of your Kingdom's peace.