Saturday, March 24, 2018

Saturday Synaxis

O Lord Jesus Christ, King of kings: you have power over life and death, you know even what is uncertain and obscure, our thoughts and feelings are no secret from you. Cleanse me from my hidden faults, for I have done evil and you have seen it. Day by day my life draws nearer to its end and my sins increase in number. O Lord, God of spirits and of all corporeal creatures, you know how frail I am, in soul and in body. Give me strength, Lord, in my weakness and uphold me in my sufferings. Lord, do not disdain my prayer, a sinner’s though it is and worthless; but leave with me until the end that grace of yours that has been my protection until now. Your grace it was that taught me wisdom. I am unworthy and sinful, Lord, but still I bless and praise you, for you have poured your mercies lavishly over me; you have been my Helper and Protector; your great name deserves eternal glory. Glory to you, O Lord, our God.

- Ephrem the Syrian