The blessings of poverty I ask from Thee now…
A coarse robe.
A rope belt.
A mat of reeds.
Plain and honest fare.
The good company of my fellows.
Lady Poverty, romance me now:
Away from my comforts—
My clothes
My books
My bed
My food
My gadgets—
Away from myself and all that is mine…
Let it be yours instead.
If I am rich,
May I be rich in giving,
To spend myself for others.
If I am poor,
May I still be rich in giving,
To spend myself for others.
Give me charity enough
To give humbly and gladly
And humility enough
To gladly accept,
With thanksgiving,
The charity of friends.
May Christ and His Kingdom be
My security
My peace
My pleasure
My hope for years to come.
May I be rich enough to aid my neighbors
And poor enough to value nothing
That is not found in Christ.
These blessings of poverty I ask from Thee now—
To use Your money as you would have it used, O Lord,
And to be myself,
Apart from property or station,
As You would have me be.
Poor to the world
And rich to the Kingdom;
Poor to myself
And rich to my neighbors;
Poor to my will
And rich unto Christ.
All I have is from Your hand,
And all do I give back to Thee—
For grace,
For life,
For Your design,
For the fellowship of poverty.