Friday, September 13, 2019

Hymn of the Week: Lift Up Your Hearts!

My new hymn this week is based on the New Testament theology of the Reign of God (often translated in the Gospels as "the Kingdom of God"). The verses provide an overview of biblical teachings on God's reign in us, God's reign through us, and then the final consummation of his reign in the future. The chorus is based on some of the triumphal angelic songs of the book of Revelation. I've set it to a tune inspired by Henry Work's old patriotic "Song of a Thousand Years," but with significant modifications. As you'll hear in my recording below (and please take my apologies for my shortcomings), it rather resembles a series of trumpet flourishes, and thus it may serve better as a performance piece than a congregational hymn.

Lift Up Your Hearts!

Lift up your hearts, O saints of God!
The King's own Spirit dwells in you:
He reigns in you, enthroned in your hearts;
The Kingdom of God is within you!

     All praise, all honor, and all glory
     Be to our God forevermore,
     For He has made this world's dominions
     The Kingdom of our risen Lord!

Lift up your hearts, O saints of God!
You're called to be His kings and priests;
You sit with Christ enthroned in heaven;
His reign flows through your prayers and deeds!


Lift up your hearts, O saints of God!
That which begins shall be in full:
The Lord who reigns within and through you,
One day He shall be Lord of all!
